Communications agency makes their next sustainability move with Centreco

Image: Centreco Installation for We Are Resource, Leeds (116kW Solar Energy System)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system to We Are Resource, a Leeds-based full-service communications agency.
  • On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 116kW capacity system at Leeds premises.
  • Bespoke designed system comprising 310 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 5.4p per kW Hour for the long-term.
  • Green energy generated resulting in CO2savings of 560 tonnes forecast over the next 25 years.

Leading installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, announce the completion of a 116kW installation for We Are Resource Ltd at their premises in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

The solar energy system consisting of 310 roof mounted tier-one panels will allow this full-service communications agency to generate their own green electricity, with the system predicted to save over 560 Tonnes of COemissions over the next 25 years. This allows We Are Resource to achieve its own green targets and reduce its carbon footprint, something of increasing importance to the company as it seeks to further improve its environmental credentials.


Using in-house resources, Centreco used the latest modelling techniques alongside site surveys, to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching We Are Resource’s energy usage profile, thereby ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the business from otherwise redundant roof space.

Since being established in 1996, We Are Resource has built a profound reputation based on quality and trust. They are passionate about being brave and adventurous with the solutions they provide. We Are Resource’s mission is “To always do what’s best for our clients, our colleagues, and our planet.” The addition of this new solar energy system sees a particular focus on the environmental aspect of their mission to deliver a meaningful energy transition strategy and to ensure that both new and current clients are reassured by We Are Resource’s environmental aspirations.

The new Centreco solar energy installation will also produce low-cost electricity for We Are Resource generating electricity at an equivalent fixed electricity cost of just 5.4p per kWh for the company over the next 25 years.

We Are Resource commented on the installation, “Sustainability has been at the forefront of our business for several years, but we’ve felt we need to do more.  We’re at the start of a journey as we strive to learn and adopt new ways to reduce our carbon footprint, introduce more sustainable business practices and to further support our local community here in Leeds.
 We’re also passionate about helping our clients and partners on their sustainability journey too.”

Tom Knox, Business Development Manager at Centreco commented, “We are pleased to have worked alongside such a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious company. This system will bring a range of benefits for We Are Resource, but at the heart of it is a sustainable solution to on-site electricity production. We wish them all the best in the future when it comes to generating their own green electricity with this hyper-low-cost electricity generation system that Centreco have delivered for them.

9th October 2023



Communications agency makes their next sustainability move with Centreco

Image: Centreco Installation for We Are Resource, Leeds (116kW Solar Energy System)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system to We Are Resource, a Leeds-based full-service communications agency.
  • On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 116kW capacity system at Leeds premises.
  • Bespoke designed system comprising 310 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 5.4p per kW Hour for the long-term.
  • Green energy generated resulting in CO2savings of 560 tonnes forecast over the next 25 years.

Leading installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, announce the completion of a 116kW installation for We Are Resource Ltd at their premises in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

The solar energy system consisting of 310 roof mounted tier-one panels will allow this full-service communications agency to generate their own green electricity, with the system predicted to save over 560 Tonnes of COemissions over the next 25 years. This allows We Are Resource to achieve its own green targets and reduce its carbon footprint, something of increasing importance to the company as it seeks to further improve its environmental credentials.


Using in-house resources, Centreco used the latest modelling techniques alongside site surveys, to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching We Are Resource’s energy usage profile, thereby ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the business from otherwise redundant roof space.

Since being established in 1996, We Are Resource has built a profound reputation based on quality and trust. They are passionate about being brave and adventurous with the solutions they provide. We Are Resource’s mission is “To always do what’s best for our clients, our colleagues, and our planet.” The addition of this new solar energy system sees a particular focus on the environmental aspect of their mission to deliver a meaningful energy transition strategy and to ensure that both new and current clients are reassured by We Are Resource’s environmental aspirations.

The new Centreco solar energy installation will also produce low-cost electricity for We Are Resource generating electricity at an equivalent fixed electricity cost of just 5.4p per kWh for the company over the next 25 years.

We Are Resource commented on the installation, “Sustainability has been at the forefront of our business for several years, but we’ve felt we need to do more.  We’re at the start of a journey as we strive to learn and adopt new ways to reduce our carbon footprint, introduce more sustainable business practices and to further support our local community here in Leeds.
 We’re also passionate about helping our clients and partners on their sustainability journey too.”

Tom Knox, Business Development Manager at Centreco commented, “We are pleased to have worked alongside such a forward-thinking and environmentally conscious company. This system will bring a range of benefits for We Are Resource, but at the heart of it is a sustainable solution to on-site electricity production. We wish them all the best in the future when it comes to generating their own green electricity with this hyper-low-cost electricity generation system that Centreco have delivered for them.

9th October 2023



Ledwood power their future with Centreco

Image: Centreco Installation for Ledwood Mechanical Engineering Limited in Pembroke Dock (210kW solar energy system)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system for Ledwood, a Pembroke Dock-based Mechanical Engineering company.
  • On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 210kW capacity system.
  • Bespoke system comprising 562 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity price generated from the system at only 5.4p per kW Hour for the long-term.
  • Delivering 41 Tonnes of CO2 savings per annum

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco, are pleased to announce the completion of a 210kW installation for independent engineering, fabrication, and construction company, Ledwood, at their premises in Pembroke Dock. The solar energy system, consisting of 562 roof-mounted tier-one panels, will allow the company to generate its own green electricity on site.

Established in 1983, Ledwood is based in Pembroke Dock in South West Wales, with offices in Teesside global operations. Ledwood design, procure, fabricate, construct, protective coat, install, and project manage the delivery of complex plant internationally. They specialise in handling large-scale onshore and off-shore projects in the oil, petrochemical, nuclear, renewables, and power industries.

When it came to designing and installing the system, Centreco used site surveys and the latest modelling techniques. The team at Centreco designed this bespoke solar energy system to match Ledwood’s energy demand profile, ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the company by utilising otherwise redundant roof space.

As a business with a focus across the power industry, a Centreco Solar energy system was a natural choice for Ledwood. Consistent with electricity cost pressures on leading engineering businesses , Ledwood needed to move to reduce their energy overhead and deliver price stability going forward. The Centreco Solar Energy System generates electricity at an equivalent 5.4p per kW Hour for the next 25 years, representing a fixed price well below today’s market rate and protecting the business from future energy price instability and inflation.

As a high-quality supplier to the power sector Ledwood are also aware of their environmental responsibilities and a move to a solar energy system allows them to enhance their sustainability credentials, a factor important through their supply chain, with the equivalent of 41 Tonnes of CO2 saved per annum through the Centreco installation.

Chris Thomas of Ledwood said: “The panels will reduce carbon emissions by 41,000 co2 kgs per year, which is the equivalent to approximately 33 petrol-driven cars being driven for a year. It’s a significant investment for us and an important step for the business as we focus on doing the right thing; reducing our electricity costs and our impact on the environment.“

Matt Gerrard, Business Development Manager at Centreco commented, “Consistent with the engineering businesses Centreco works with, Ledwood recognised as a company in an energy-intensive industry that an investment in a Centreco solar energy system would bring immediate financial and environmental benefits.

We are really pleased to have delivered this for Ledwood, they have been an excellent forward-thinking team to work with. Centreco design, model, install and commission our systems using our in house specialists and Ledwood were a pleasure to work with throughout each element of the process.

We wish Ledwood Mechanical Engineering well with their new power solution for the future”


5th October 2023


Keeling & Walker paint a bright future with a Centreco Solar Energy System

Image: Section of Centreco Installation for Keeling & Walker (49.59kW Solar Energy System)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system to Keeling & Walker, a Stoke-On-Trent based pigments manufacturer.On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 49.59kW capacity system at Stoke-On-Trent premises.
  • Bespoke designed system comprising 114 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 5.8p per kW Hour for the long-term.
  • Green energy generated resulting in CO2savings of 240 tonnes forecast over the next 25 years.

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, are pleased to announce the completion of a 49.59kW installation for Stoke-On-Trent based pigments manufacturer, Keeling & Walker.

Using the latest solar system modelling and design techniques following on site surveys, Centreco were able to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching Keeling & Walker’s demand for energy. This ensures the best long-term commercial returns for the business, delivers optimal environmental benefits whilst efficiently using the amount of available roof space.

Keeling & Walker is a high quality manufacturing company with proud history of quality and innovation. Founded in the early 1900s, Keeling & Walker became a limited company in 1916. By this time it was a leading supplier of all types of ceramics, plants and equipment. Keeling & Walker is now a renowned name across the globe as the leading supplier of tin oxide and related materials. In 2015, Keeling & Walker built and opened a new factory next to its head office. This new factory provided the much-needed space for expanding the manufacturing units for Irasorb infrared absorbing oxides.

This manufacturing operation is an energy-intensive production process and Keeling & Walker were keen to address both the challenging of increasing electricity costs and reducing the Company’s impact on the environment.

A Centreco solar energy system was a perfect solution. The system will produce electricity at an equivalent cost of just 5.8p/kWHr across the next 25 years – being the warranted performance life cycle of the installation. This represents a huge saving against grid supply and protects Keeling & Walker from the volatile energy supply markets and inflationary pressures on electricity pricing for the long-term.

Further, the system’s 114 roof-mounted tier one panels will allow the Company to generate its own green electricity and allow Keeling & Walker to save 240 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the 25 year period.

Tim Whitehead, Environment, Health, Safety, and Quality Manager of Keeling & Walker, commented on the installation “Keeling & Walker decided to install the solar panels not only for sustainability and a lower carbon footprint, but also for economic reasons. Given the recent turmoil in the energy markets, having a supply of energy at stable calculatable costs independent from the volatile market prices will provide a stabilising and balancing effect on our energy bills. Ultimately this will benefit Keeling & Walker’s customers as increasing energy costs and especially their spikes can be buffered to a certain extent. In that respect, the Centreco solar system will contribute to improving Keeling & Walker´s competitiveness. What can better making a positive impact on the company’s environmental footprint and at the same time improve its economic situation?”

Alan Cuthbert, Project Development Manager at Centreco also commented on the installation by saying “Keeling & Walker is an innovative pigments manufacturer, they are forward thinking and were keen to address rising electricity costs and the Company’s  environmental footprint. From the outset, it was clear that a Centreco solar energy system would be a key component of meeting both objectives for the operation.

We see these demands increasingly from quality manufacturing and production businesses and we are pleased that the Centreco proposition delivers on both the economic and environmental front for these types of organisations.

Keeling & Walker were a pleasure to work with through the design, modelling and installation phases of the project and we wish them well over the many years of green energy generation they will now enjoy from their Centreco solar energy system.

5th September 2023

Leading engineering company build for the future with a Centreco solar energy system

Image: Centreco Installation for Machine Building Systems (48kW Solar Energy System)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system to Machine Building Systems, a Derbyshire-based supplier of modular aluminium systems.
  • On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 48kW capacity system at their Derbyshire
  • Bespoke designed system comprising 113 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 4.7p per kW Hour for the long-term.
  • Green energy generated resulting in CO2 savings of 233 tonnes forecast over the next 25 years

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, are pleased to announce the completion of a 48kW installation for Derbyshire-based supplier of modular aluminium profile systems, Machine Building Systems. The solar energy system, consisting of 113 roof-mounted tier-one panels, will allow the Company to generate its own green electricity allowing MBS to save 233 tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Using the latest modelling techniques alongside site surveys, Centreco were able to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching MBS’ energy demand, ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the business whilst maximising the benefit from the otherwise redundant roof space.

Established in 1989 and based in Derbyshire, MBS’s reputation has been built on quick delivery times, massive stockholding, and excellent build and product quality. Their wide array of expertise in the engineering industry makes MBS the natural choice for machine builders and end users alike.

As part of a growing industry within the UK, MBS have been exploring new technology and materials in order to lead their market through competitiveness and innovation, they have explored advanced high wood content-based systems and new digital design techniques.

This drive for progress led MBS to look for solutions to address their energy costs and sustainability goals. They turned to Centreco, as a renewable energy business with a shared forward-thinking approach, to design, develop and install a tier one solar energy system as part of the Company’s energy transition strategy.

MBS like others within the precision engineering industry, have been affected by the recent instability within the energy supply sector and suffered the impact of rising electricity prices. With the addition of a Centreco solar energy system, MBS is now able to benefit from fixed electricity costs of just 4.7p per kWh projected over the next 25 years. This offers a substantial saving against grid-supplied electricity and fundamentally reduces a significant business overhead.

The installation protects MBS from long-term inflationary pressures on energy procurement whilst addressing supply chain environmental integrity and as such plays an important part in the Company remaining highly competitive in their engineering sector.

Stuart MitchellManaging Director of Machine Building Systems, commented on the installation by saying “We’re very happy with our 48kW solar installation and the way Centreco conducted the whole process, from concept to completion.  I felt that we were dealing with a highly competent company, who knew what they were doing, right from their initial approach to us. It is quite gratifying to see the main meter stop dead on a sunny summer day!”

Alan Cuthbert, Project Development Manager at Centreco also commented,

“MBS are typical of many of the clients we are working with in the engineering market, in that they are facing ever-increasing energy prices and environmental demands. A Centreco Solar Energy System is the perfect for an engineering business as not only does it reduce their electricity prices significantly, but it also boosts their green credentials. The cost savings delivered by this system are immediate and it provides peace of mind that the business is protected against any future energy price hikes.

We thoroughly enjoyed working with a dynamic business such as MBS on this project and wish them all the best in making the most of their self-generated renewable energy for many years to come.”

 21st August 2023

Biotage discover the cure for their energy needs with a Centreco Solar Energy System

Image: Centreco Installation for Biotage Ltd in Ystrad Mynach (138kW solar energy system)

  • Drug discovery and development company, Biotage, work with Centreco (UK) Limited to deliver future-proofed solar energy system
  • Bespoke 138kW capacity tier one system installed at Ystrad Mynach Premises
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at 4.4p per kW Hour for the long term
  • System predicted to save 668 Tonnes of CO2 over next 25 years

The UK’s leading commercial solar energy system provider, Centreco (UK) Limited is pleased to announce the completion of a 138kW installation for Drug Discovery and Analytical Sample Preparation company, Biotage at their premises in Ystrad Mynach.

Using the latest survey and modelling techniques, Centreco were able to design and install a bespoke solar energy system consisting of 372 roof-mounted tier-one panels that will allow Biotage to generate their own green electricity, with the system predicted to save over 668 Tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Biotage is a Global Impact Tech Company that is committed to solving society’s problems. With a customer base that includes pharmaceutical businesses, analytical testing groups, and environmental laboratories. Its high-profile clients have sustainability at the core of their supply chain criteria, with an emphasis on reducing its carbon footprint.

Biotage is committed to sustainable science with the goal to make the world healthier, greener, and cleaner. This new Centreco solar energy system allows Biotage to address its environmental ambition through energy transition to self-generated renewable electricity and meet its customers’ environmental goals.

The installation also has very significant financial benefits for Biotage. The system is forecast to generate electricity at an equivalent fixed cost of just 4.4p per kWh over the next 25 years. This offers substantial savings against current grid prices and allows Biotage to effectively hedge a core business overhead and protect it from future energy price inflation.

Chris Williams, Site Director at Biotage, reflected on the installation “At Biotage Sustainability is in the forefront of our work. Our tagline “HumanKind Unlimited” underscores our ambition to strive towards improving global health. Whilst we focus on the development of our products, we also monitor our own emissions and how they affect our environment. 

With this in mind, provision of a solar energy system is a key part of our plan to reduce carbon emissions at our plant in Ystrad Mynach, South Wales.  In addition, we are also delighted that the new system will produce significant economic benefits for the company due to the low cost of the solar energy. 

We chose Centreco for this project because of their vast experience in this area and for the acknowledged quality of their work.  We are delighted that we are now operating an excellent solar system.”

Centreco’s Senior Energy Consultant John Williamson commented, “Biotage are a very high-quality supplier to the pharmaceutical market. They are committed to excellence and conscious of protecting the environment in its operation in order to meet their own sustainability targets and remain competitive across the pharmaceuticals supply chain. Installing a Centreco solar energy system helps Biotage meet these objectives though the transition to low cost self-generated renewable energy.

We are seeing many high-tech companies reaching out to Centreco to help address their energy transition goals and meet the environmental demand of their client’s supply chains. We will design a bespoke solar energy system to meet their site’s requirement and ensure both the financial and environmental benefits are maximised.

Biotage are the forefront of their market, their team at the Ystrad Mynach were a pleasure to work with and we wish them well with delivering continued excellence in the pharmaceutical markets they serve bolstered by a Centreco solar energy system meeting their energy demands for the long-term.

10th August 2023

Unifabs secure their energy future with a Centreco Solar Energy System

Image: Centreco Installation for Unifabs Ltd in Nuneaton (373kW solar energy system)

  • Centreco delivers an industry-leading solar energy system for Unifabs Ltd, a supplier of sheet metal fabrications and parts.
  • On-site electricity generation is now in place through a 373kW capacity system at Nuneaton
  • Bespoke system comprising 995 Tier One Solar Panels.
  • Equivalent electricity price generated from the system at only 5.0p per kW Hour for the long-term.

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, are pleased to announce the completion of a 373kW installation for a renowned supplier of sheet metal fabrication and parts, Unifabs, at their premises in Nuneaton. The solar energy system, consisting of 995 roof-mounted tier-one panels, will allow the company to generate its own green electricity, with electricity prices cut to just 5.0p per kW Hour for the next 25 years.

Established in 2007, the installation of solar power represents an important step in Unifabs’ journey towards more sustainable growth. The system offers a substantial saving against grid-supplied electricity rates and reduces a core business overhead which protects against long-term inflationary pressures on energy costs.

Offering extensive sheet metal fabrication capabilities, including CNC punching, laser cutting, CNC metal bending & forming, metal fabrication, welding, powder coating, and assembly, Unifab’s ability to maintain a versatile product base is a core driver in the success of their business.

Centreco used its wealth of experience and in-house resources alongside the latest modelling techniques to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching Unifab’s energy demand. This ensures the best long-term commercial returns for the business from otherwise redundant roof space. Unifabs have an extensive environmental and sustainability policy across the company. This Centreco solar energy system complements their focus on working towards a more sustainable future for the company as they seek to further bolster their green credentials. Unifabs hope this installation will demonstrate to other businesses the positive impacts of installing a solar energy system as the country works towards a binding net-zero target by 2050.

The solar energy system, will allow the Company to generate their own green electricity, with the system projected to save over 1663 Tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Managing Director of Unifabs, Tom James said “It is important to us to use as much green energy as possible, and this installation is a great way for us to do that. We hope that this change in sustainability practices sets an example for other businesses looking for cost-effective solutions that benefit both the environment, and their business operations.”

Chris Ruddock, Project Development Manager at Centreco commented, “From the initial stages of this project it was clear that the team at Unifabs clearly understood not just the economic, but also the environmental benefits of installing a solar energy system.

This system not only significantly reduces their electricity supply prices via the grid, but it also demonstrates Unifabs’ environmental and sustainability agenda. We have thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and we wish the whole team at Unifabs a bright future producing green, renewable energy.”

 9th August 2023



Wine wholesaler toasts carbon neutrality with the addition of a Centreco solar energy system.

Image: Centreco Installation for EWGA Wines (30Kw Solar Energy System)
  • Centreco deliver an industry-leading solar energy system to EWGA, a Lancashire-based wine wholesaler
  • On site electricity generation is now in place through a 30kW capacity system at Carnforth Premises
  • Bespoke designed system comprising of 66 Tier One Solar Panels
  • COemissions savings of over 145 Tonnesacross the next 25 years
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 5p per kW Hour for the long-term

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, are pleased to announce the completion of a 30kW installation for Lancashire-based wine wholesaler, EWGA Wines at their premises in Carnforth. The solar energy system, consisting of 66 roof mounted tier-one panels, will allow the Company to generate their own green electricity, with the system projected to save over 145 Tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Using the latest modelling techniques alongside site surveys, Centreco were able to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching that of EWGA’s energy demand, thereby ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the business by efficiently using available roof space.

Established in 1972, EWGA was founded by Pamela and Gerald Moeckell. The couple look to balance their traditional business with a modern outlook on sustainability and environmental issues. The company set out a bold target of becoming completely Carbon-Neutral in 2023. Now, with the addition of this Centreco solar energy system, EWGA has progressed to this target and is also able to benefit from fixed electricity costs of just 5p per kWh projected over the next 25 years. This offers a substantial saving against grid-supplied electricity and fundamentally reduces a core business overhead protecting EWGA from long-term inflammatory pressures, and ensuring they can remain competitive in their wine wholesaling market.

Adrian MoeckellOwner of EWGA, oversaw the solar energy project on behalf of the company. When asked about the addition of the system he said “Our purpose for the installation was to develop a Carbon-Neutral warehousing and office operation. The addition of this Centreco system has meant that we have been able to achieve this target. Myself and everyone else here at EWGA is extremely proud of this massive environmental achievement and I’d like to thank the team at Centreco for playing a huge part in allowing it to happen.”

John Williamson, senior energy consultant at Centreco also commented, “The team at EWGA recognised the opportunity to achieve their sustainability targets and deliver long-term cost savings to their business with the installation of a Centreco Solar Energy System. EWGA are members of the Harpers Sustainability Charter which encourages its signatories across the drinks trade to share, support, and promote best practices through transparency on all aspects of their sustainable journeys. The Centreco installation is complementary to the goals of the Charter, we were proud to help EWGA achieve their environmental targets and to be held up as a leading example of a progressive wine wholesaling operation. Centreco thoroughly enjoyed working with EWGA throughout the project and we would like to wish them well in their bright future as a high quality environmentally aware business.”


14th June 2023


Hillarys Blinds open up a bright future with a Centreco solar energy system

Image: Centreco Installation for Hillarys Blinds in Nottingham (48kW solar energy system)

  • Centreco deliver an industry-leading solar energy system Hillarys Blinds, the provider of high quality blinds, awnings, curtains and shutters
  • On site electricity generation is now in place through a 48kW capacity system at Nottingham Premises
  • Bespoke designed system comprising of 128 Tier One Solar Panels
  • CO2 emissions savings of over 260 Tonnes across the next 25 years
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at only 4.8p per kW Hour for the long-term

Leading UK installers of commercial Solar Energy Systems, Centreco (UK) Limited, are pleased to announce completion of a 48kW installation for leading suppliers of custom made blinds, Hillarys, at their premises in Nottingham. The solar energy system, consisting of 128 roof mounted tier-one panels, will allow the Company to generate their own green electricity, with the system projected to save over 260 Tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years. This allows Hillarys to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, something of significant importance to the company.

Using in house resources, Centreco used the latest modelling techniques alongside site surveys, to design and install a bespoke solar energy system matching that of Hillarys’ energy demand, thereby ensuring the best long-term commercial returns for the business whilst maximising the potential of available roof space.

Since 1971, when Tony Hillary installed his first custom-made blind, Hillarys have been committed to surpassing customer expectations and maintaining their market-leading position. Now, with the addition of this solar energy system, Hillarys Blinds are able to benefit from fixed electricity costs of just 4.8p per kWh projected over the next 25 years.

This offers a substantial saving against grid supplied electricity rates available, it fundamentally reduces a core business overhead and protects against long-term inflationary pressures allowing Hilary’s a further competitive edge.

2023 saw the initiation of Hillarys sustainability plan with the aim of reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. With the addition of this system, Hillarys are demonstrating their focus on a greener future for the company, constituting the next major stage of achieving their sustainability goals.

Jim Eddy, Head of Engineering at Hillarys, oversaw the solar energy project on behalf of the company, when asked about the addition of this solar energy system he said “At a time when energy rates were at an all-time high, solar energy felt like a fitting next step to mitigate ever increasing energy rates. Given Centreco’s professionalism and portfolio of installations across the UK, we felt we were in safe hands throughout the process. Centreco’s detailed analysis and design work has opened up the potential of compelling returns from the system, this was a strong factor in our final decision to proceed with the project. We are looking forward to generating green electricity at our head office in Nottingham for a long time to come.”

Chris Duffy, senior energy consultant at Centreco commented, “Hillarys were a refreshing client to work with, the team immediately understood the array of benefits that a solar energy system can bring. It is also great that the Company instantly recognised the professionalism of Centreco and found themselves in safe hands with our business. We are really pleased to have worked with Hillarys on the installation of a self generating electricity power plant, one which will bring long term savings to their business and be a large step forward in meeting their sustainability goals. Myself and the whole team at Centreco look forward to working with Hillarys on potential projects in the future.

1st June 2023

Armstrong Priestley commit to a Green Future with a Centreco Solar Energy System

Image: Centreco Installation for Armstrong Priestley in Leeds (110kW solar energy system)

  • The UK’s leading independent fire protection contractor select Centreco to deliver future proofed Solar Energy System
  • 110kW capacity system installed at Leeds premises.
  • System comprised of 293 Tier One Solar Panels
  • CO2 emissions savings of over 523 Tonnes across the next 25 years
  • Equivalent electricity generated from the system at 3.9p per kW Hour.

Leading installers of commercial solar energy systems, Centreco (UK) Limited are pleased to announce the completion of a 110kW Roof Mounted Tier One Solar Energy System for Armstrong Priestley at their Leeds premises. The solar energy system consisting of 293 roof mounted tier one panels will allow Armstrong Priestley to generate their own green electricity, with the system predicted to save over 523 Tonnes of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years. This accelerates this clients focus on reducing their carbon footprint, with the CO2 savings from the Solar Installation being equivalent to the emissions created by driving a passenger car for over 1,299,070 miles.

Armstrong Priestley already have an extensive environmental and sustainability policy across the company and the move to self-generated green energy sits alongside other initiatives such as an electric vehicle charging policy for their employees. This Centreco solar energy system complements their focus on working towards creating a green future for the company as they seek to further bolster their green credentials. Many companies such as Armstrong Priestley are focussing on improving their green credentials in line with new legislations introduced by the UK government as the country works towards a binding net-zero target by 2050.

With early indications from industry experts predicting that grid-based electricity prices will continue to rise from the already record rates currently being experienced, Armstrong Priestley by owning the system are now able to benefit from equivalent fixed electricity costs of just 3.9p per kWh for power  generated by the system. This “hedge price” applies across at least a 25 year period, being the long-term time-frame the solar panels carry a premium performance warranty. This provides Armstrong Priestley with immediate cost savings and protection against any future grid price inflation.

Anne-Marie, Joint Managing Director of Arnold Priestley commented on the installation by saying “At Armstrong Priestley we were delighted with the works carried out by Centreco and are pleased to be working alongside them to improve our environmental impact, reduce our carbon footprint and help the country achieve its net-zero target by 2050. We hope many other companies follow in our steps, to help support green initiatives. Many thanks to Centreco for their great work.”

Tom Knox, Business Development Director at Centreco reflected on the installation saying “Armstrong Priestley are typical of many companies as they look towards the installation of a Solar Energy system to reduce their carbon footprint in line with an increasing focus being placed on their green credentials. Solar ticks all of the boxes and provides a great tangible reduction in their carbon footprint alongside the enviable commercial returns.

Armstrong Priestley are proudly ‘the UK’s leading independent fire protection contractor’ and it is their focus on continual improvement within all aspects of the company that allows them to maintain this position, and this extends to their green credentials.

It was a pleasure to work with such an engaged client who immediately understood the benefits a Centreco solar energy system brings and one which was keen to integrate these commercial and environmental benefits into their operation using Centreco’s in house modelling, design and installation resources.”

18th May 2023