Patrick Burling Developments are typical of many landlords as they seek to offer their tenants better value, whilst providing the best long term commercial returns on their investments. Their property in Preston consists of 8 different units, all of which are currently tenanted properties with unique energy usage profiles.
When landlords choose to install solar on their premises, typically many choose to invest in the system using their own capital, and then sell the green electricity back to their tenants at standard grid-supplied rates, meaning that tenants can bolster their green credentials at no cost to them, meanwhile Landlords are able to generate additional revenue from their properties as the rate at which the electricity is generated, is typically well below grid supplied rates.
However, Patrick Burling Developments approached Centreco as they had different motivations, as they looked to ensure their properties were attractive to current and perspective tenants.
Property Management
Tier One Solar Energy System – Roof Mounted
December 2022
Patrick Burling Developments were keen on ensuring that their properties were always tenanted to allow for the best commercial returns on their property investments.
They were also keen on finding ways to support their current tenants against increasing overheads, ensuring they are less likely downsize or move to potentially cheaper premises.
Centreco developed a bespoke 338kW Tier One Roof Mounted Solar Energy System, consisting of 901 LONGi panels and a series of inverters.
The specification of system was dictated after studying the current tenants usage profiles and each tenants available roof space. The system was then broken down into a series of smaller systems, with the electricity generated from each of these smaller systems being passed to the respective tenant. This allows for the tenants to reduce their reliance on grid supplied electricity.
Patrick Burling Developments have been able to ensure that their tenants can benefit from reduced overheads with significantly reduced electricity costs, helping their tenants overall bottom line. Long term, this should help provide their tenants with protection over long-term inflationary pressures, contributing towards keeping them in business, therefore paying rent to Patrick Burling Developments.
Should any of their units become vacant, Patrick Burling are more likely to be able to find perspective tenants quicker as they are able to market the cheaper electricity rates available within these units, ensuring there are less times where units are vacant and therefore less time when they aren’t making an income from these premises.
Firstname Surname, Job Title at Patrick Burling Developments said…
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