Berry Bros. & Rudd (BBR) is Britain’s oldest wine and spirit merchant, having traded from the same shop since 1698. Today the company also has offices in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong, a Wine School and an exclusive fine wine and dining venue in London’s St James’s. We are honoured to hold two Royal Warrants for H.M. The Queen and H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.
Through the Centuries BBR have changed, adapted and developed, leaving a legacy for generations to come. BBR recognise that in order to make sure their business is fit for the next 300 years means looking after their people, the planet, in a sustainable way.
BBR represent the very highest standard of wine merchant. BBR is a Royal Warranted business and is a ISO 14001 Environmental Standard accredited. BBR are proud of this status and take their environmental responsibilities very seriously.
Owner Operator
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Tier One Solar Energy System – Roof Mounted
August 2015
Electricity consumption was the single largest component of BBR’s controllable environmental footprint and combined with the impact of huge price rises in electricity there was a pressure to address both the environmental and cost saving opportunities.
BBR operate their main warehouse site in Basingstoke, Hampshire. This site accounts for a significant proportion of BBR’s electricity consumption as a result of large temperature- controlled wine storage units at the facility.
Centreco were asked to design and install a solar energy system which delivered both the targeted environmental benefits and the bottom line savings in electricity costs at the site.
Based on the analysis half -hourly electricity usage and billing data and a detailed survey of the site capacity and operational layout, Centreco designed and installed a 250Kw solar PV system connected directly into the client’s electrical distribution system.
This 250kw system was installed on a flat roof using a ballast-weighted south facing system to avoid any impact on the roof’s integrity and retain outstanding roof warranties. The system consisted of 981 x Winaico 260w solar panels connected to Growatt inverter technology.
The solar energy system from Centreco has overperformed forecasts for BBR in generating over 230 MWh of electricity per annum, being 33% of the total Basingstoke sites’ electrical demand.
The solar panels at our Basingstoke warehouse reduce emissions from electricity at the site by 33%, and by 47 tonnes of CO 2 overall.
The system has substantially reduced electricity costs and contributed to BBR’s environmental credentials.
Alan Poole, site sevices manager Berry Bros & Rudd commented on the solar energy installation and the role of Centreco as follows:
“Financially, the Centreco proposal looked too good to be true but I am very pleased to say it was real and our system is performing ahead of expectations.
The key drivers were both environmental benefits and the financial upside of reducing the amount of electricity we buy from the grid. We have used a third less electricity as a result of installing solar energy – the system is doing its job for the Company.
[expand title=”Read More…” swaptitle=”Read Less…” trigpos=”below”]A solar energy system from Centreco aligned to other electricity saving measures at the Company has helped us reduce our electricity by over 50% at the site.
Solar is the answer to reducing electricity bills. It is virtually maintenance free in comparison to other technologies, it just does its thing hidden away on our roof.
The funding options introduced by Centreco were excellent. We own the system, drive the savings and deliver the environmental upside with net no capital outlay from the Company.
Berry Bros. & Rudd had an excellent experience with Centreco, all went very smoothly. Solar ticks all the boxes and I would happily recommend Centreco to install a high quality commercial solar energy system.”[/expand]